Walking on Water – a 12year journey

Shocking as this announcement was, Wole was unperturbed; the darkest hour is usually just before dawn after all. He made up his mind that nothing would change his plan to marry Lade this time around, their wedding may not hold in a week’s time, but it would hold on God’s set date.

Lade’s mind was doing a crazy spin – “Jesus! What is this again now? Why me? Ki ni mo se gangan?

For Lade it was rather unnerving. How was she going to go back to live at her single-sisters’ apartment? They had bid her farewell, now she’ll return as what? Not to mention her colleagues at work, they’d expect her to be on leave for her honeymoon but instead she’ll show up at work and say what? What about the vendors they had paid? What about the pain and shame her parents were feeling on her account? Lade’s mind was doing a crazy spin – “Jesus! What is this again now? Why me? Ki ni mo se gangan?” Immediately she heard it; still and small, but clear and firm – “Be Still, and know that I am God!” Lade sighed. She decided to be comforted by Wole’s reassuring demeanor. He was different this time, she could see a man determined to weather the storm with her and for her, and for this she chose to be grateful.

Barely one week to the court wedding, Lade tested positive for COVID-19

While the church wouldn’t go ahead and wed them without the joint consent of both parents, Wole’s father gave his full consent for them to get legally wed! This was a streak of sun ray, and they went on to arrange for their court wedding. Barely one week to the court wedding, Lade tested positive for COVID-19 even though she wasn’t sick nor showing any related symptoms. With this result it would be impossible to hold the court wedding. Again, Wole stood his ground against the report – he was convinced the test result was just another scheme of the devil, and so, charged up in his spirit he and Lade prayed fervently concerning the situation alongside his pastor – they prayed the will of God concerning their union and stood unwavering in their faith concerning the set date for the court wedding.

“Maybe you should see these turn of events as signs from God to ‘kan’le’ (pick race) from this Wole guy”

On the sides, certain pastors and pastors’ wives who were like mentors to Lade began calling and texting her, telling her to reconsider. “Perhaps God is trying to protect you from future trauma in marriage with Wole’s mum.” “Maybe you should see these turn of events as signs from God to ‘kan’le’ (pick race) from this Wole guy”. “Must it be him? Who says God doesn’t have better plans for you?” Lade listened to them all but stood on the word of God to her from the onset. She recalled how she had been obstinate about accepting Wole back after their breakup until God touched her heart through her friend’s blog. She admonished herself that just because God says walk this path does not mean the path would be hassle free. Even the path to life itself is said to be narrow! (Matt 7:13-14). Theirs wasn’t the counsel of God and she chose to pay them no mind.

Their wedding #waymaker21 was beautiful

After one week Lade tested negative and their court wedding held as planned. Right after this, Wole’s mum came around and tendered deep heartfelt apologies to Lade’s parents. Finally in August 2021, exactly one month from the initial date, Wole and Lade had their church married to the glory of God and to the shame of the Devil. Their wedding #waymaker21 was beautiful and glorious. The couple believe that their 12year journey, though marked by such rough patches and unbelievable hurdles, is one that has helped strengthen and seal their love for each other, and prepare them for a fulfilling life together. The love birds are enjoying their lives together and maintain a courteous relationship with Wole’s mum.

Dear reader, I feel strongly that like me you’re touched deeply by Wole and Lade’s story. I was overjoyed when they agreed to share these precious details with me, and of course, with you – my audience on this blog. So much to glean from it, but I’ll briefly touch on three things that stood out for me:

In life, it is important that you know who the real enemy is – it is the not the person (flesh and blood), it is always the devil (Ephesians 6:12), and that is who you engage in battle. Wole never fought his mum, neither did Lade speak ill of her despite the immense pain her persistent refusal must have caused them both. Perhaps attacking Wole’s mum would have derailed their God given victory and tainted their testimony.

It takes conviction to take a stance. Wole could have chosen the easy route – find another girl that his mum would accept, and Lade could have been swayed by logical counsel telling her to let go of the troubles from Wole’s mum and marry someone else. They both faced enough to stop any sensible person on their tracks, but Lade and Wole stood resolutely together on what they knew was God’s promise for them.

In, and with regards to the institution of marriage, it takes ‘the two’ to conquer. In marriage and courtship, nothing is achieved by one person’s zeal, conviction or efforts – just like a bird cannot fly with one wing. It may walk and run, eat and sleep, but the skies which is where it should be, would be unreachable. Wole took a stance, and Lade matched it. If he had acted faintly and directionless, nothing Lade did would have made a difference, and vice versa.

What is your highlight from this story?

Please share in the comment section. If you have questions or comments specifically for the couple please send me an email of reach out to me on WhatsApp – details here.

I write about family, faith, work and Life. My pieces focus on how I am learning to bloom in all these and I welcome you to bloom with me.


  1. Sincerely, the three highlighted points given at the end of the story made it wholesome for me. It’s a lot of insight into understanding the most important things needed for a sustainable faith based relationship. God bless you completely.
    My Saturday couldn’t have started better.
    We await more of these
    Love from osun state😁❤️

    • The three point mentioned are a good take home.

      The devil is not resting, he wants to destroy a glorious destiny and marriage, so we should be conscious and gird our loins.
      Your conviction about any situation or challenge is very important, so as not to live a directionless life.

      The prayer of a believer is so powerful.
      Matthew 18:19 Again I say unto you, That if two of you shall agree on earth as touching any thing that they shall ask, it shall be done for them of my Father which is in heaven.

      Thanks and God bless

  2. Hmmmm, thank you for sharing our story FK!

    We sincerely pray that your readers find God, faith and hope in God along life’s journey especially when we feel the thorns by the wayside.

    God bless you


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I write about family, faith, work and Life. My pieces focus on how I am learning to bloom in all these and I welcome you to bloom with me.

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