

Am I normal? I post weird pictures of my baby!

A couple of weeks after I had Aridunnu, I saw an article about, and for, parents who feel that their newborn does not look cute, on BabyCenter. BabyCenter is a multifunctional app for women, couples, and parents;...

C-Section Mummy is Mummy Part 2

So, I had my baby by vaginal birth (I am pretty sure you thought this was about me, no.). It was what I desired and trusted God for, both I and SA, but if it had come...

C-section Mummy is Mummy Part 1

Cesarean Section, C-section, CS, you know what it is. I would like to think I came to know it for the first time in my early teens, and as far back as then, it seemed to connote tragic...

FK Goes Back to Work

Unless it was your birthday, yesterday was just another Monday for almost everyone. For me, it was a special one - the first working day this year. Have you had that feeling when you're walking out of...

Mum Leaves Today

Today my mother-in-law leaves us and returns home to her husband in Ogun State. I never thought I’d miss her this much. Much? I’ll miss her sorely already. I’ve been having heart palpitations for the last 2...
I write about family, faith, work and Life. My pieces focus on how I am learning to bloom in all these and I welcome you to bloom with me.

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