I clock 30 in exactly two weeks, yeah, three whole decades. It’s dreamy in a sense, to think that I have been around for quite a while too, and now I am walking into what humans call ‘mid-life’. While I am particularly pleased with how the months preceding September have played out, it only makes sense to reflect further back. You’ll agree with me that landmark birthdays are a particularly perfect time for deep reflecting, alongside a number of other things.
Pictures from age 21 and 22
I have come a long way from the girl I was at twenty, and I am super proud of the woman that I am today. The woman I want to be, the one I was made to be, is a journey, and I am thankful that I am right where I should be now. Given that the last ten years have been a swirl of highs and lows, tears and laughter, heartbreaks and blissfulness, and loss and gains, there is nothing that I regret. I am beginning another lap of my race armed with lessons from 30 years.
On your mark, set, 30...
I tend to have retreats only when entering a new calendar year, but this is 30 (Yeske!). So, I penned a number of things, activities actually, to do weeks and days before D-day. Reflective Thanksgiving ranks topmost on my list because the summary of my 30-year life story is this – ‘Because the Lord my God is the builder and maker of this house that is me, my labor has not been in vain; and because he is my keeper, I and all that are mine have been sustained’ (Psalm 127:1). Reflecting rewards you with understanding and wisdom that only come from hindsight. To plan adequately for the future we must draw insight from the past. Hence, whatever my aspirations for the next decade, they are for the pleasure of God, my builder, maker, and keeper. All of it! Toripe emi ko ni se asedanu (life is too short to be laboring in vain).
Prayers, in Jesus name!
If in any way at all I have added color to your life or day (not black I hope), I humbly ask that you find some time to say some words of prayer for me and speak good things into my new decade. Below is a summary of the things that matter to me in this new decade, in case you’re wondering what to pray for/about.
- I am running to stay fit, and eating more mindfully because I want to be able to serve God better and longer. Bodily exercise profits little…, I want to get every bit of that little profit.
- My career roadmap is tailored towards nation-building and that requires competence and a state of heart that only God can impart (Psalm 78:72). There is nothing I dream of more than a time when those stirring the wheels of nations will be Seasoned Christians who are competent and love/service driven. There in that dream, is a place for me.
- Family-wise, I simply want to be more, and more, of a true Christian to my dear ones, enjoy life with them, and make many more days delightfully memorable.
- I want to pray and intercede so much more, I have seen God answer prayers so beautifully in these past years, nothing is beyond Him. I earnestly want to see and partake in the rejoicing and celebrating of friends and family around me as God shows Himself great in their lives and homes.
This is the first picture of them on my blog - strange!
- I want to pay more attention to my mum and dad and devote more time to enjoying their company and sharing more in their moments. I want to contribute enormously to the quality of the rest of their lives (which is many many many more years, in Jesus name).
- I want to travel a bit more; eat, drink, dance, and take loads of pictures.
- …and on a lighter note – that my front hairline will be restored. The way it is going now, it has become a prayer point. Baldness is not the portion of this beautiful daughter of God.
Not too ambitious? Well well well.
I hope you pray for me.
Thank you, Keep blooming!
Congratulations sis and Happy 30. I pray that God grant speedy answers to all your requests above and much more in Jesus name.
AMEN!!! Thank you so much brother.